Impact Consulting
We help your company clarify and amplify it’s redemptive purpose.
If you are looking for more individualized support for your for-profit, non-profit, or ministry social enterprise, we are here to journey with you to become a more redemptive, sustainable, and impact-oriented.
How we can help
We analyze your redemptive practices
By operating redemptively, you can live out your personal faith through your ventures, become more purpose-driven, and leverage the entire ecosystem of your organization to help renew culture.
We clarify your social impact
By critically defining your social impact and metrics, your organization can ensure that you are truly making positive change that enables people to flourish.
We diversify your revenue sources
By achieving financial sustainability, your organization can create long-term impact while ensuring sufficient funding to sustain your venture or mission.
We amplify your big ideas and big solutions
By developing a thought leader strategy, your organization can create systemic and enduring behavioral change by engaging and inspiring your most important stakeholders.
Who we work with
We serve Christian social entrepreneurs who are dedicated to bring healing and hope to the world through an innovative business solution.
Regardless of the legal structure, your enterprises, programs, or initiatives seek to create a culture that honours God and enable people to flourish. You may find yourself asking the following questions:
How do we develop/scale a social enterprise or social-good program?
How do we create a social impact strategy?
How do we engage our employees in purposeful activities?
How do we incorporate the Christian faith become more redemptive?
How do we become investment-ready?
Non-profits, Charities & Social Enterprises
How do we develop or scale earned revenue sources?
How do we establish corporate partnerships?
How do we create a social impact strategy?
How do we measure our indirect and long-term social impact?
How do we attract Investors & Impact Investing?
Churches & Ministries
How do we build or grow a social enterprise for missional outreach?
How can we explore social enterprise as a tool for serving our communities?
How do we support or partner with social entrepreneurs in our congregation?
How do we integrate a social impact strategy into our missions?