Leading a



At Kaleo Labs, we help Christian-led organizations become more redemptive, sustainable, and impact-oriented, so together, they can address societal problems. Our vision is to contribute to an ecosystem of redemptive ventures that are intentionally designing and leveraging their entire business to join God in His restorative work.

It can be easy to think that financial success is the highest mark of God’s blessing on a business or organization. Or that corporate giving/tithing, fair compensation, or generous business practices are the only ways to be faithful as a Christian leader.

But what if there’s more?

In the famous parable of the talents (Luke 19 and Matthew 25), Jesus tells a story of a master who leaves on a journey and entrusts his business to his servants, giving each one a sum of money with the intent of increase. Multiple servants generate returns while one does not.

When the master returns, he highly praises the first two saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” and rebukes the servant who gained nothing.

Christian leaders of businesses or organizations have lots of resources to steward while “the master is away.” A natural question to ask is, “Am I utilizing ALL the areas of my business for human flourishing?”

You Can Measure How Redemptive Your Business Is

Kaleo Labs believes that Christian business leaders and entrepreneurs are uniquely equipped to create a culture that honours God and enables people to flourish. God has invited us to join him in the restoration of all things which includes the impact that your organization has both internally and externally. Thus, the purpose of a Redemptive Business Assessment is a 360 degree review of where your organization may be operating exploitatively, ethically, or redemptively.

The assessment report identifies areas for improvement and confirms areas of existing redemptive practices. It allows you to reflect and make changes to your operating procedures and/or practices to become more redemptive.

Borrowing on the work of Praxis Labs, our assessment leverages and builds upon the Praxis Redemptive Frame™ which considers the business ecosystem from three perspectives.

  1. Leadership intent (What scripts are the leaders of the organization living out?)

  2. Strategic Vision (What does your organization do to the world?)

  3. Operating Model (What does your organization do to its people / other stakeholders?)

Redemptive Blind Spots

In a business or organization, there are areas that could potentially be operating exploitatively.

For example:

  • Are you personally modelling Sabbath and extending that to your employees?

  • Do your employees have a voice in decision-making?

  • Are your employees connected to the social purpose that your company is creating?

  • What impact does your business have on its partnerships and vendors?

  • Do you sacrifice your power for others through the practice of gleaning?

  • Do you feed into a culture of materialism and over-extend your marketing promise?

Many facets of business operations can go unnoticed when you are busy running the organization. This assessment allows you to rethink the secular norms of business practices and assess whether they truly honour God and enable people to flourish.

Are you struggling to steward your talents to have maximum Kingdom impact?

This is for the Christian owners and entrepreneurs who want to practically embed their faith into every aspect of their business. Kaleo Labs will use the Redemptive Business Assessment to see where it is operating redemptively, identify specific areas for improvement, and help you workshop practical and actionable solutions.

Here at Kaleo Labs, we help Christian-led organizations become more redemptive, sustainable, and impact-oriented, so together, they can address societal problems. Our vision is to contribute to an ecosystem of redemptive ventures that are intentionally designing and leveraging their entire business to join God in His restorative work.

Kaleo Labs deeply desires that every Christian Leader we work with will hear the words from Matthew 25:23, “‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.”

Contact us today and jump on a discovery call to get started!


Unlocking Potential