Unlocking Potential

At the heart of a venture is the entrepreneur with their vision and passions that led them to start their operation in the first place. If they are flourishing, the venture will benefit.

Every year, social entrepreneurs envision incredible new ways to change the world and serve others through a business or venture. Sadly, 50% of startups fail within the first five years and their dreams of social change follow suit.

At the heart of a venture is the entrepreneur with their vision and passions that led them to start their operation in the first place. If they are flourishing, the venture will benefit.

However, the opposite is also true. When a leader or visionary is stuck, trapped, or bogged down by business and financial operations, the venture will be unable to reach its goals for long term social impact. These ventures will likely end up closing down and the needs they set out to meet will continue going unmet.

This breaks our hearts. We see the spirit and soul that goes into creating a venture and the hope of using unique and individual gifts to bring Kingdom Impact to the lives of those on the margins or in need. We know that with the right support, social entrepreneurs can flourish and so can their ventures.

What would it take to unlock potential and get a venture back on track?

Kaleo Labs has developed a set of “keys” we use to unlock each of the unique needs of entrepreneurs and ventures that approach our doors.

Here is a list of a few of the different tools we use:

  1. Social Enterprise Start Up Planning

  2. Redemptive Practices Assessment

  3. Clarifying Social Impact

  4. Revenue Diversification

  5. Start-Up Labs

Take Tool #5, our Start-Up Lab. During this event, we match ventures with coaches that facilitate different workshops and brainstorming sessions to help leaders get “unstuck”. One of these workshops is the Operational Assessment. Through coach facilitation, we analyze daily-operations to identify process improvements to increase profit margin without compromising on social mission.

When leaders are in bogs of day to day operations, having a third party analyze business practices can be crucial to see where the machine needs oil and where the cogs have stopped spinning.

Activities like the start-up lab can help provide the mentorship, support, and resources to access the potential that has been locked up.

We don’t want to see doors closing. We want to see social entrepreneurs achieve the business success needed to stay sustainable for lasting impact.

The potential is there, it just needs to be unlocked. Kaleo Labs may just have the right key to get your social venture back on track.


Rebecca Sherbino-The Raw Carrot


Leading a Business Redemptively