Redemptive Business Gathering Conference & Ecosystem Launch (Cambodia)

In partnership with Tenth Church, Vancouver BC, and local Cambodian leaders we are co-developing a three-day gathering and lab intensive for approximately 30 founders, entrepreneurs, business leaders, and ministry leaders from the region. The purpose of this three year project is to foster a vibrant business community around the concept of redemptive social entrepreneurship. This year’s theme is personal and business “financial literacy”.

  • Location: Phnom Penh, Cambodia 

  • Dates: Oct 25 - Oct 27, 2024

  • Program Goals include;

    • Redemptive Social Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy training offering structured workshops to guide founders and entrepreneurs through the complexities of finance for venture building.

    • Invest in training local leaders to become the next wave of coaches / mentors so they can sustain this new community of redemptive entrepreneurs.

  • Your support will help us develop lab content and workshops in collaboration with local leaders, travel and accommodation, and coaching subsidies for Kaleo Labs staff members and local coaches.


Project: Capacity Building


Project: Start-up Coaching